07771 649 612



Bryn Aggregates





We are pleased to present Bryn Aggregates plans for a football pitch for Gelligaer FC, a circular walkway for the local community, green infrastructure, biodiversity enhancements and educational resources along with an extension to quarrying with landscaping and tree planting.

The site comprises an existing blue pennant sandstone Quarry being worked under a current planning permission and adjacent land to the east and north set within Gelliargwellt Uchaf Farm.

The proposals follow a previous application which was considered acceptable by Caerphilly County Borough Council's planning officers along with their technical and statutory consultees.  A series of enhancements have been made to maximise community benefits and improve the quality and quantity of green infrastructure proposed. The amendments include:

  • Provision of a kickabout football pitch, circular walkway and educational resources;
  • Further landscaping and vegetation planting;
  • Further provision of ecological enhancement areas;
  • A reduction in the area of quarrying to ensure that it avoids the Green Wedge allocated within the CCBC LDP;
  • An associated increase in the distance of quarrying from some residential properties; and
  • A 6 year reduction in the timescale associated with the project.


The proposals have been informed by pre-application dialogue with Officers at Caerphilly County Borough Council.

We hope you support us with the plans. Once you have reviewed the website, please provide feedback via email or post at the address below:




Highlight Planning

Office 33

14 Neptune Court

Vanguard Way


CF24 5PJ


We would welcome any comments you have on the plans by 14th June 2024.








Why is this consultation being undertaken?


The consultation is being undertaken to present our plans for the site to the public and to outline the many community benefits it will deliver. We are inviting comments from the public as part of the consultation so that these views can inform a planning application to be submitted later in 2024.


Why is the development needed?


The development will secure benefits to the local community and green infrastructure as part of Bryn Aggregate's proposals to secure ongoing quarrying at the site.

The aggregate quality of Bryn Quarry is of national and UK wide importance.  Bryn Quarry is one of only a few quarries in the UK that provide the highest quality aggregate, essential as part of new road building and the maintenance of existing roads. It is used on roads, bus lanes and cycleways/footpaths within CCBC, within the local area and on major projects regionally and further afield across the UK.

What environmental safeguards are proposed?


  • The environment and residential amenity will continue to be controlled by planning conditions. The same conditions that apply to the exiting quarry will be carried forward.
  • Traffic movements will stay the same.
  • Hours of operation will stay the same.
  • Blasting limits and frequency will stay the same.
  • Dust monitoring will remain in place permanently throughout the duration of the works.
  • The area of quarrying will stay entirely within the Mineral Buffer Zone allocated by the Council in their Local Development Plan. Welsh Government planning policy allows quarrying to take place 200m away from housing, but the quarrying proposals will stay over 300m away from housing.
  • A landscape bund with tree planting and biodiversity enhancements will be formed around the Quarry to minimise landscape, visual, noise and dust impacts.
  • Biodiversity preservation and enhancement will be provided through creating peat cells and re-wetting the Waun Rydd Site of Importance for Nature Conservation.
  • A Dust Management Plan has been prepared - equipment and plant is fitted with a sprinkler system and bowsers wet down blast areas before and during blasting.


What are the benefits of the development?


  • Delivery of a football pitch for use by the local community.
  • Delivery of a circular walkway nature trail for local residents providing linkages to the wider public right of way network.
  • Delivery of green infrastructure with biodiversity benefits and surface water resilience.
  • Carbon capture through the planting of significant areas of woodland.
  • The proposed development addresses an identified need for High Specification Aggregate.
  • Safeguards and creates direct and indirect jobs.

When will the development start?


Planning permission and planning conditions need to be approved before the development can start. We anticipate that development will start on site in 2025.


What are the next steps after this consultation?


The project team will review all comments received as part of the consultation to inform the planning application to be submitted to the Council later in 2024.


Once the application is submitted, the Council will undertake a further consultation prior to them determining the application. Following the determination of the application, planning conditions will be discharged and construction work will commence.

Plans and Drawings

Site Location Plan

Green Infrastructure Plans

Existing Situation

Proposed Whole Site Restoration

Extraction Phasing

Restoration Phasing

Reports and Assessments

Green Infrastructure Statement

Planning Statement

Heritage Statement

Transport Assessment

Coal Mining Risk Assessment

Environmental Statement:

Volume 1

Non Technical Summary

  1. Introduction
  2. Methodology
  3. Site Description
  4. Alternatives
  5. Development Methodology
  6. Landscape and Visual
  7. Biodiversity
  8. Noise
  9. Water Resources 
  10. Human Health 
  11. Blast Vibration
  12. Air Quality

Volume 2 - Appendices and Figures:

Figure 1-1

6.1 Landscape Appendix

7.1 Biodiversity Appendix

8.1 Environmental Noise Assessment

9.1 HIA

9.2 HIA Addendum

11.1 Blast Vibration Review

11.2 Blast Vibration Monitoring

11.3.1 Report on Blast Mining Heritage (Part 1)

11.3.2 Report on Blast Mining Heritage (Part 2)

12.1 Air Quality Impact Assessment

Figure 12-1

Figure 12-2

Figure 12-3

Forms and Notices

Planning Application Form

CIL Form

Notice under Article 2C and 2D

How to provide your Comments


We hope you support the proposals. Please provide feedback via email or post at the address below:




Highlight Planning

Office 33

14 Neptune Court

Vanguard Way


CF24 5PJ


We would welcome any comments you have on the consultation by  14th June 2024.


Comments and information received as part of this consultation will not be used for any purpose other than for consultation purposes relating to this potential development. Whilst your comments may be referred to within our submission as part of the planning application, names will be redacted from responses and we do not share any information provided with third parties outside of the project team and this process.

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