07771 649 612


Land south of

Cae Coedmore, Cwmann





Melyn Ltd are pleased to present their plans for residential development at land south of Cae Coedmore, Cwmann.


The site has been proposed for allocation for residential development by Carmarthenshire County Council within their Local Development Plan 2018-2033.


Melyn's plans include a mix of housing within a landscape setting with informal areas of open space, sustainable drainage systems and tree planting.


We hope you support us with the development of the site. Once you have reviewed the website, please provide feedback via email or post at the address below:




Highlight Planning

47 Elm Grove Road

Dinas Powys

CF64 4AB


We would welcome any comments you have on the plans by 10th January 2025.


The Site


The site measures approximately 0.8ha of vacant scrub land on the southern edge of Cwmann.

The site is bounded by residential development at Cae Coedmore to the north, to a site proposed to be allocated for housing to the west and agricultural land to the south. An unclassified lane runs to

the east of the site, beyond which lies further residential development.

The site is well contained in the wider landscape with mature trees and hedgerows forming the site’s western, eastern and southern boundaries. The surrounding development is characterised by a mixture of 2 storey semi-detached and detached two storey properties. The types/size of dwellings immediately adjacent to the proposal site gives the surrounding context a rural family housing development character. Beyond the site to the south remains largely agricultural with scattered rural residential dwellings and land with employment uses.

Development Proposals


The Vision for the site is to create a sustainable neighbourhood which responds to local character with a sensitive approach to landscape that delivers multi-functional green infrastructure that provides lifestyle and ecological benefits.


The proposals comprise of the following:


  • Construction of 20 residential dwellings (including 2.4 affordable dwellings);
  • Provision of informal open space and associated sustainable drainage features;
  • Enhancement of onsite boundary landscape features (where appropriate);
  • Proposed vehicular access to the site from the existing residential development to the North from Cae Coedmore;
  • Safeguarded potential for proposed pedestrian access to the adjacent proposed allocation to the west; and
  • Retention of buffers to existing watercourses and maintenance of dark corridors to hedgerows.



Why is this consultation being undertaken?


The consultation is being undertaken to present Melyn Ltd's plans for the site to the public and to outline the many community benefits it will deliver. We are inviting comments from the public as part of the consultation so that these views can inform a planning application to be submitted later in 2024.


Why is the development needed?


Carmarthenshire County Council are proposing to allocate the site for development within their Local Development Plan 2018-2033. Melyn Ltd are proposing to deliver the allocation identified by the Council with a high-quality development that provides a range and choice of housing giving local people the opportunity to remain in the community where they grew up.


Will there be affordable housing?


The Council's target is for 12% of homes on the site to be affordable. These will be a mix of housing types and sizes and will be distributed throughout the site.


How will the development affect local services such as school and healthcare?


The effect on local services will be considered by Carmarthenshire County Council as part of their determination of the planning application. Contributions to local services can be provided should the Council deem this to be required.


How will the local highway network cope with cars associated with the development?


The proposals have been informed by technical assessment work undertaken by Acstro transportation consultants. The Transport Statement provided as part of the consultation documents demonstrates that the development will have an acceptable impact on the local highway network. Each home will be provided with cycle storage provision and a Travel Plan will be provided to residents which will encourage sustainable modes of transport to be utilised.


Are there any environmental constraints that must be overcome?


The site is relatively unconstrained from an environmental perspective. Surveys and assessment work has been undertaken with respect to ecology and utilities which confirm that there are no in-principle constraints to the development of the site.


What are the benefits of the development?


  • Delivering a range and choice of housing (including affordable housing) in a sustainable location on a deliverable site which can contribute towards the resilience of the emerging LDP’s housing
  • trajectory and the effectiveness of the Council's Local Development Plan 2018-2033;
  • Good quality development with informal open space for the benefit of existing and proposed residents;
  • Delivery of green infrastructure with biodiversity benefits (delivering a biodiversity enhancement) and surface water resilience;
  • Development with climate change resilience at its heart;
  • The HBF’s Housing Calculator estimates that building 20 homes would support the employment of 86 people, generate £200,000 in tax revenue (including £25,720 in council tax).

What about traffic, noise and dust during construction?


The impact of construction activities will be factored into the planning process. The project team will prepare a Construction Management Plan in order to reduce the impact of construction on local residents and the environment.


When will the development start and houses become available to purchase?


Planning permission and planning conditions need to be approved before the development can start. Melyn Ltd anticipate that development will start on site in 2026.


What are the next steps after this consultation?


The project team will review all comments received as part of the consultation to inform Melyn Ltd's planning application to be submitted to Carmarthenshire County Council.


Once the application is submitted, the Council will undertake a further consultation prior to them determining the application. Following the determination of the application, a reserved matters application will be submitted, planning conditions will be discharged and construction work will commence.

Consultation Documents

Location Plan

Illustrative Layout

Planning, Design, Access and Green Infrastructure Statement

Transport Statement

Preliminary Ecological Appraisal

Application Form

Notice under Article 2C and 2D

How to provide your Comments


We hope you support us in the development of this site. Please provide feedback via email or post at the address below:




Highlight Planning

47 Elm Grove Road

Dinas Powys

CF64 4AB

We would welcome any comments you have on the consultation by  10th January 2025.


Comments and information received as part of this consultation will not be used for any purpose other than for consultation purposes relating to this potential development. Whilst your comments may be referred to within our submission as part of the planning application, names will be redacted from responses and we do not share any information provided with third parties outside of the project team and this process.

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