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We are pleased to present plans for the commercial redevelopment of Manor Way Business Park, Swanscombe.
The proposals relate to a number of plots within the Business Park which are in general industrial use by several different business types including car and truck storage, repair and sales businesses along with demolition and recycling businesses.
Our plans seek to modernise the Business Park and deliver a significant improvement in terms of the quality of the buildings, their associated servicing areas and landscaping and the resultant occupiers of the Business Park. The combined proposals provide a wide range of complimentary unit sizes catering for light incubator units to heavier commercial uses including providing suitable expansion facilities for businesses to grow into rather than having to leave the area if they get bigger.
A drop-in public consultation event was held on 15th May at the Church Road Hall, Swanscombe. Many thanks for all those who attended and provided comments.
The Site
The site comprises five plots within the Manor Way Business Park (MWBP) which occupies land north of the A226 in Swanscombe. The plots include industrial buildings and open yard spaces which are enclosed by boundary treatments. The site is bound by cliffs to the west and south and the Channel Tunnel Rail Link/High Speed 1 (HS1) railway line to the northeast.
The Business Park has historically suffered from blight and consequently has attracted lower value employment.
The site lies within the Borough of Dartford and within the Swanscombe Peninsula Major Development Site as identified in the Ebbsfleet Implementation Framework. The newly adopted Dartford Local Plan identifies the site for employment and regeneration.
Development Proposals
The design principles for the proposed redevelopment include:
Functional Flexibility
Aesthetic Appeal
Security and Safety
Landscaping and SuDS
Tenant Comfort and Wellbeing:
Overall, these design principles aim to create a modern industrial park that not only meets the functional needs of businesses but also provides an attractive, secure, and comfortable environment for tenants, promoting a thriving and sustainable business community.
Why is this consultation being undertaken?
The consultation is being undertaken to present our plans for the site to the public and to outline the many community benefits it will deliver. We are inviting comments from the public as part of the consultation so that these views can inform a planning application to be submitted later in 2024.
Why is the development needed?
The Business Park has suffered from blight for many years. The site has been allocated for development within local planning policy. We are proposing to deliver the allocation with a high-quality development that enhances the Business Park and its immediate setting to facilitate an improvement in the quality of businesses attracted to the area.
How will the local highway network cope with cars associated with the development?
The proposals have been informed by technical assessment work undertaken by Charles & Associates. The Transport Assessment demonstrates that the development will have an acceptable impact on the local highway network. Each unit will be provided with cycle storage provision and a Travel Plan will be provided which will encourage sustainable modes of transport to be utilised.
Are there any environmental constraints that must be overcome?
The site is relatively unconstrained from an environmental perspective. Surveys and assessment work has been undertaken with respect to ecology, drainage and ground conditions which all confirm that there are no in-principle constraints to the development of the site.
What are the benefits of the development?
What about traffic, noise and dust during construction?
The impact of construction activities will be factored into the planning process. The project team will prepare a Construction Management Plan in order to reduce the impact of construction on local businesses, residents and the environment.
When will the development start?
Planning permission and planning conditions need to be approved before the development can start. We anticipate that development will start on site in 2025 with units becoming available in 2026.
What are the next steps after this consultation?
The project team will review all comments received as part of the consultation to inform the planning application to be submitted to Ebbsfleet Development Corporation (EDC) later in 2024.
Once the application is submitted, EDC will undertake a further consultation prior to them determining the application. Following the determination of the application, planning conditions will be discharged and construction work will commence.
Consultation Documents
You can view a copy of the Consultation Boards here.